Monday, December 1, 2008


hey party people,

so apparently the burden of keeping this blog from spiraling into the depths of emo-itude as matt langner drinks himself into a coma and discovers his "inner pussy" has fallen firmly on my broad, muscular shoulders. rowr.

so after a robust thanksgiving filled with the usual turkey, stuffing, and not being able to stand my family, i find myself back at our palace in jersey city heights. In addition to most of the food in my parents house, after this most recent visit i also obtained a kickass blender. to celebrate the new kitchen appliance, matt and i decided that the only acceptable way to spend the rest of the night was to drink a ridiculous frozen drink until we were shitfaced.

and so we arrive at NEON VOODOO...

neon voodoo is:

Combine the vodka, apple juice, and mountain dew in a blender with about 6-8 ice cubes, and blend on high for about 10 seconds. Add more vodka if desired." (naturally, more was desired)

Basically, matt and i looked for the drink with the coolest name to drink for the rest of the night. well, that and a couple of bottles of andre because our fridge takes like 70 hours to produce 4 ice cubes.

To help speed up the process of inebriation, i am teaching matt the "Intervention" Drinking Game, developed by my girlfriend jackie and myself. this is where we watch the show intervention and drink certain amounts for certain scenarios in this horribly depressing show about people struggling with addiction. i know, i know, its completely tasteless, but honestly the show is so formulaic that the rules are guarenteed to work from episode to episode.

Drink whenever someone cries
Drink whenever the person says they dont have a problem
Drink twice if they admit to the problem but say they dont care
Drink when there is childhood abuse
Drink when there is parental absence
Drink when there is parental drug abuse
FINISH YOUR DRINK when they relapse
THEN try not too cry because if you played the game correctly, shit probably got way, way too real

So, short story made shorter; we came, we drank, we got drunk.... straight up 'vini, vidi, vici-ed' a couple of bottles of andre and a good amount of smirnoff.

ttfn my loves
BEANSAUGHNASAIDHASDkasldnmasfkjnsa.fmas,f a


Jackie said...

We're not bad people, I swear! Although now I think you're going to have to give the full set of rules for Intervention.

jade said...

best post. ever. hands down. and i want to hear the full set!